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Throughout this journey, we’ve frequently discussed how unique healthcare is. In fact, healthcare isn’t even necessarily a normal business. As I like to say, “normal” is a setting on a dryer and lasts for about 30 minutes. Healthcare professionals are very unique, talented people who aren’t doing this to get rich quick. They understand they are giving their talent, skills, and dedicated effort and not always receiving a respectable return. They also know that their customers aren’t necessary normal. There is often a problem or an issue that must be dealt with. Many customers in healthcare don’t even want to be in healthcare. After all, many are in pain or misery. Together, all this leads to what I have talked about many times with my clients throughout my career as a consultant: Healthcare is abnormal people taking care of abnormal people under abnormal circumstances for abnormal returns and abnormal money.

So how do other healthcare professionals break out of this mold and attain true success?

As we’ve discussed before, successful healthcare professionals are able to maintain an ideal balance. They can deal with the people who drain them, who zap them of energy. They realize there are difficult people who come along and they proactively handle those situations, so it doesn’t lead to an imbalanced situation. They also know when it’s time to make their move, toot their own horn, and get the recognition and rewards they deserve.

These people effectively weave the 7 Keys together on a daily basis, and as a result they are personally in charge of their success. Essentially, this process has empowered them to handle the toughest situations that come their way.

To take the last portion of this journey and find out how it’s possible for you, please use this next key.