How effective and productive is your corporate office communications with your facilities?
If allowed to express their opinions anonymously and freely, what would the facilities reveal about your corporate office’s responsiveness to their needs, questions and concerns?
Does the corporate culture encourage organizational excellence or is there a field perception/pressure toward profits first?
Does the corporate office truly understand the needs of the field… and vice versa?
A Home Office/Corporate Climate Survey provides feedback and valuable insight to various areas of the home office and Regional team concerning how their facilities view the relationship. Their thoughts, ideas and opinions are critical in your efforts to continually improve the quality of service provided to your facilities and the care you provide. A Survey sets the stage for a relationship building program which includes not only how the home office is developing specific action plans for relationship building, but also how the facilities need to improve their relationship with the home office.
How Do You Begin? A Climate Survey can be administered through:
1. Verbal interviews.
Maun-Lemke would verbally interview key facility individuals who have contact with the corporate/home office, i.e., administrators, bookkeepers, DON’s, receptionists.
2. Written survey completed anonymously.
We would send a written survey to each facility to complete and send back in a postage paid envelope directly to us for tabulation. Answers are totally anonymous, and it must be stressed that no one from the corporate office will ever see the actual survey. Only themes will be reported. This written survey would ask much the same type of questions as above, but would probe in more detail.
We would complete a written report with specific recommendations concerning our oral interview/written survey findings. The report would focus on the theme questions asked during the interview/survey process. These interview theme questions would include areas such as:
- Responsive phone skills
- Courtesy/friendliness
- Responsiveness
- Expectation/time line involvement
- Helpfulness to answering questions as resource
- Movement towards developing a 50/50 relationship
Please contact us for further information and assistance on developing a CQI program for your organization.