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Targets/Goal Setting Facilitation

How does your organization manage? Is it by… the moment, intuition, the opinions of others? Does your organization change directions on a day-to-day or month-to-month basis due to the latest statistics or revenue reports?

Our 20 years of experience in working with high achieving management teams, reinforces our beliefs that the most successful leadership teams recognize the importance of Team Targets.

The objective of Team Targets is to provide everyone in the organization common goals for achievement that will direct the on-going success of the company. Team Targets moves organizations closer to a culture of organizational success before individual success by creating a team atmosphere. The organization sends a message that it will reward individual success after everyone is committed to playing team ball.

We can assist your organization in developing Team Targets for success by facilitating a strategic management meeting that focuses on:
  1. The concept and philosophy of the Team Targets process.
  2. Determining success objectives for the future.
  3. Selecting company wide targets for success.
  4. Assisting in quantifying how success will be measured.
  5. Helping with assignments as to “Who’s going to do what by when?”.
  6. Plans for how communication of the targets is rolled out to all members of the organization.
  7. Helping management determine how the targets be tied to performance feedback, evaluation and compensation.
  8. Developing report logistics and a time line.
Learn more about Target Based Leadership or contact us for further information and assistance.