

Clint Maun, CSP
Healthcare Resource in the 21st Century

We believe our job as consultants is to facilitate start up processes so organizations can continue well beyond our involvement. It is important that organizations develop a sense of individual ownership in these types of enhancement efforts. It is also necessary they have top management commitment and backup assistance from consultants when necessary.

As healthcare organizations change, grow and experience a more challenging marketplace, even top performers in their efforts to maintain excellence may face difficult situations. With today’s present economic trends and productivity demands, Clint Maun and Maun-Lemke can assist you.

Consulting Services
Consulting in Action
Mystery Shopping
Resource Tools

Recognizing your needs and fulfilling them is Clint’s 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. His standard and customized programs are designed to build lasting relationships with our valued clients. If you’d like to explore developing a consulting relationship with us, please contact us for further information and assistance.


Read testimonials from clients who have used Clint as their consultant. The results that our clients experience are unparalleled.
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Clint Maun is nationally recognized for his innovative leadership in healthcare consulting, speaking and research.