A customer satisfaction project will include three phases (research, implementation, and generalization). Maun-Lemke, with Clint Maun as the project coordinator, will complete these phases usually within a three to four month time period. Each of these phases would be completed in a customized manner as follows:
- Assessment Phase. During this phase we would be involved in collecting information to allow us to make an effective and efficient assessment of where the organization currently stands in its’ customer satisfaction efforts. This allows us to complete the necessary staff interviews, customer interviews, and surveys to help in developing a plan for success in rolling out this project. We will also review existing practices, procedures, activities and commitment levels in the organization. This allows us to take a look at the community perception of how the facility performs in their marketplace. During the Assessment Phase we would include the following as applicable:
- Review existing documents, brochures, marketing materials, etc.
- Mystery Shop the facility (s) by phone to access where the facility (s) is with their customer satisfaction and sales public image.
- Mystery Shop in person a few key locations if applicable.
- Interview key corporate individuals and facility-based personnel.
- Review current key indicators of success on customer satisfaction.
- Review critical documents from state regulatory agencies.
- Assess the strengths/weaknesses the facility brings to the table in its customer service and satisfaction.
- Complete a referral service analysis if applicable.
- Conduct physician interviews and medical director assessments if applicable.
- Prepare a written report of our Assessment Phase to be used for the blueprinting process in the next two phases.
- Implementation Phase. The implementation phase develops appropriate team training, team activity and the very critical staff training. Through this implementation phase Maun-Lemke’s involvement includes ongoing telephone, fax, mail and live facilitation of the team’s efforts. It is also in this phase that we develop the appropriate approach for sales, customer service and marketing that are customized to the location.
- Review of the assessment process.
- Development of a 12-week customer service plan for implementation. This includes development of customized customer satisfaction goals to base accountability as it relates to our P.O.W.E.R. Philosophy.
- Development of a corporate customer service team if applicable.
- Development of the pilot project methodology for implementation in the field (if applicable).
- Training the staff and management teams for motivated involvement in customer service efforts.
- Developing the train the trainer efforts that need to take place in assuring a corporate team is capable of carrying on the function (if applicable).
- Developing in coordination with management the incentives/rewards and accountability systems.
- Designing appropriate systems for notification of staff concerning inquiries and marketing tours.
- Providing sets of our products and materials.
- Developing a specific set of live visits with agendas to discuss the implementation process by your corporate team.
- Organizing a set of phone conferences with agendas to discuss issues of implementation between live visits.
- Review of all fax and mail correspondence concerning the project.
- Review of the weekly accountability update reports from the facility.
- Making specific recommendations throughout the Implementation Phase that would allow us to tweak the process as we go.
- Assistance in setting the design of the evaluation and target goals necessary to measure success/return on investment in the process.
- The development of a tracking system for customer service that could be a pilot project for the entire organization in the future.
- The development of any proactive marketing materials necessary for customized customer service efforts.
In addition to the Plan’s implementation responsibilities, all team members must commit to: The 12 Team Commitments.
- Generalization Phase. The Generalization Phase allows the facility to develop its own customized efforts for customer service. We would develop a methodology for continuation of the plan as part of a systematic cultural change that takes place on an ongoing basis in the organization. The ownership of the project would be transferred to a responsible facility rather than becoming a corporate program or worse yet, a consultant driven program. This customization to each facility is critical and is based upon what is found in the Assessment Phase and during the Implementation Phase.
This customization creates the true success of the program because it develops as stated above meaningful ownership at the facility level. If this is to work, multiple facilities would develop their own 12 week customer satisfaction teams based upon what was learned from the corporate team and from the successful implementation at a pilot location (if applicable). The specific areas of this phase includes:
- Re-survey of the market, physicians, customers and competition as necessary.
- Developing ongoing methods of facilitation by Maun-Lemke utilizing fax, telephone and mail correspondence.
- Developing the organization’s ability to prepare and implement the next customer service team.
- Making recommendations and evaluations to the organization concerning the project’s success/continuation.
As with all of our processes, our services are delivered with a 100% unconditional money back guarantee. If you are interested in more information concerning a Maun-Lemke consulting partnership, please contact us for further information and assistance.