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Problems = Solutions/Attitude Policy

Clint Maun, CSP


We believe that by encouraging all staff to solve problems as they arise.It will promote personal accountability, respectful relationships, and positive attitudes. Quality care is not only a result of a pleasant environment, involvement of families, and competent medical care, but it is also a result of positive, solution-oriented staff members.

  • We recognize that conflict is not always easy to resolve. It is expected each employee will openly and honestly attempt to find a reasonable solution for problems.
  • Our residents and their families expect a courteous attitude without excuses from employees when they are communicating a need for care or a concern.
  • Negative attitudes in the workplace are counterproductive and disrespectful of co-workers.


All employees will make a commitment to address problems at the time they occur.

  • Conflict management will occur by employees communicating with each either as problems occur. This approach to conflict solutions will be promoted by employee's gathering in small groups and problem solving with each other in these "huddles."
  • There are unique situations where a manager may need to be involved to arrive at reasonable solutions.
  • BMG behaviors will not be tolerated. Negative attitudes are considered performance issues.
  • Performance will be evaluated according to the following equation: Exceptional Performance = Quality + Quantity + Attitude.
  • Each current employee and all new hires will be oriented to the P=S/Attitude Policy.
  • If an employee continues to perform BMG behaviors, displays a negative attitude, and does not offer reasonable solutions, the following disciplinary procedures will be implemented:

First Offense: Verbal warning and an opportunity to solve the problem with or without the assistance of your supervisor.

Second Offense: A conference with the manager and completion of the
Consultation Attitude Form (ACV).

Third Offense: Termination of Employment.


Huddle - A gathering of employees involved in discussing a problem and developing a solution. Any member of the team may call a huddle.

BMG - Bellyaching, moaning, or groaning about a problem and not offering a solution. This can be verbal or non-verbal.
Examples of BMG behavior include but are not limited to:
  • treating residents or others in a rude manner.
  • a lack of cooperation with other employees supervisors, residents/families.
  • profane, abusive or threatening language while on duty.
  • constant complaining / negative attitude.

Empower - Each employee is given individual responsibility.

Cross Reference:

  • Conflict Resolution Policy
  • Corporate Compliance Policy
  • Harassment and Offensive Behavior Policy
  • The Employee Handbook