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To Clint Maun's Introducer:

Thank you for agreeing to introduce Clint Maun, CSP. You play one of the most important roles in today's program. You set the tone for the session and can create energy and enthusiasm for Clint's presentation.

We have prepared an introduction for you as a guide. We encourage you to practice it and make sure it flows well and fits your speaking style and rhythm. It is very important that you are comfortable in not just reading the words, but delivering the message.

If you have seen Clint in the past and can offer your own words of recommendation, such as "I first experienced Clint's insight and humor at the American Healthcare Association.", please feel free to do so.

If you have not seen Clint but he was recommended to you by another group, you may add something like, "Clint recently presented at ...And was a great success, which is why we invited him to speak to us today".

Above all, remember, Clint wants to make personal contact with his audiences. Whatever you can do to establish this for Clint is appreciated.

Be Yourself...



If you have not attended a Clint Maun program before, you’re in for a treat. Not only will he enlighten you with proven, innovative ideas and information he’s implemented in thousands of organizations nationwide, he’ll also make you feel good about choosing healthcare as your profession.

Clint Maun is a nationally recognized leader in healthcare consulting, speaking and research. He is one of a select few to receive the CSP designation of distinction, Certified Speaking Professional, from the National Speakers Association.

As a co-founder of Maun-Lemke, Clint’s entire career experience has been in healthcare. His unique combination of Missouri farm background and educational study in psychology focused in the healthcare profession lets you know he’s "been there" when you hear his humorous stories, examples and learning lessons.

Clint’s dedication to our profession is evident as he brings advocacy for positive self-esteem and motivation to a new level. His free daily audio podcasts, available on ClintCast.com, have gained a loyal, global audience for a “daily dose of Clint”. By the close of his program today you’ll be eager to try his ideas. When you do, you’ll be impressed by their effectiveness in “Changing the Results of Healthcare”. I’m pleased to present to you one of the most exciting and respected healthcare consultants and speakers in the profession today, Clint Maun.


To ensure a successful program, we suggest your assistance and cooperation concerning the following that will enhance our partnering experience...
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