Clint Maun, CSP
The long term care profession must develop a strong, focused, cohesive and common direction for improvement. Enhanced image improvement, consumer confidence, regulatory compliance and opportunities for additional reimbursement are tied to a committed organized national team effort. Your organization will not want to be left out of this exciting opportunity to gain valuable and measurable recognition for your hard work and dedication.
At the completion of Clint Maun’s invigorating keynote the participants will understand:
- Why a national provider based quality initiative is the right process.
- How your organization needs to commit.
- How the 6 outcome areas of this process are critical to improvement, image enhancement, staff retention, marketability, and regulatory compliance.
- How Your State Association is prepared to help you be successful.
Clint Maun is a nationally recognized speaker and consultant. He has assisted national and state associations in the step-by-step methods for implementing a team based process on Quality First.
This session will also provide detailed descriptions of benchmark efforts in other Quality First healthcare/housing organizations. Clint will utilize lecture, group discussion, invigoration conversations, and specific handouts to allow the organization to immediately implement the work effort necessary for success.