Clint Maun, CSP
No More Belly-Aching, Moaning, and Groaning
All employees are responsible for communicating problems/issues and offering possible solutions that will help make the "ideal workplace".
Purpose and Outcome:
- All committed employees are responsible for notifying all appropriate staff of situations that may be identified as a problem and to assist in generating a reasonable solution.
- If you question whether it may be a problem then it probably is a problem. Address the "potential" problem and solution to your peers or supervisor.
- Even if you are uncertain of a solution, let someone know your idea. One idea is better than none.
- All employees are responsible to act "on a positive note" if they hear, see or even say BMG. Offer a moment of your time, schedule a meeting or whatever else it takes to formulate a potential solution.
- It's ok to offer a solution to a problem as long as you advise your immediate supervisor.
- Talking about problems and solutions must be documented for appropriate follow through.
- If for some reason you as an employee feel uncomfortable about publicly discussing problems and solutions, use the employee comment boxes located in the building for confidentiality.
- If you don't know of an immediate solution to a problem, it's alright, committed employees will work together to find the solution.
- Be realistic. Problems don't get fixed overnight as long as there is a plan to fix it.
- Negative feedback is always to be expected. Being a committed employee will help with solving the problem.
- It's ok to express no tolerance with ID 10 T's * in the building. Those who are *ID 10 T's are the ones who break up the team.
* (idiots)